Carballo de Cereixo

Muíño de mares


The tide mill in Cereixo is called the “Mill of the Towers” and was built in 1674. That is the date on the deed granted by Juan Taboada Ribadeneira, the Count of Taboada and “Lord of Puebla de Cereixo” to the de Espasantes brothers Andrés and Pedro. The deed provides land for the erection of one or two mills at a place called “Pozo de Ranas”, the Frog Pool, and in return the brothers had to pay an annual rent of 2 hens and 6 measures of wheat called “ferrados”.

This is the third oldest tide mill still conserved in Galicia after the ones at Neda, established in 1609, and Cambados, which was established in 1622 and is called “Muiño da Seca”.

It was built right at the place where the river called Rio de Carnés or Rio Cereixo runs into the Rio Grande. It was able to make use of both the flowing river water and the rising tide to turn three millstones: One would grind wheat, while the other two would grind corn.

It was always managed by tenants until the 20th century when it was sold by the Countess to Eliseo Moreira. It was bought by the choreographer José Manuel Rey de Viana in 1967.


Concello de Vimianzo
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