Carballo de Cereixo

Historia de Cereixo


Santiago de Cereixo is the only parish in the Vimianzo council district located on the shores of the Ría de Camariñas, or the Ría do Porto as it is called along this stretch of the Rio Grande. The earliest known mention of this settlement was in medieval times, when King Alfonso IX and his court travelled to the area in 1228, probably to grant a municipal charter to Cereixo. Documents from the time give it the name “Populationem de Seregia”.
During the Modern Era, the town is mentioned in other documents as Puebla de Cereixo or Cereijo and Puerto de Cereijo.

The centre of Cereixo has one of the most interesting combinations of architecture in the area of Terra de Soneira. Many of the houses are built of excellent quality masonry and belonged to important families in the area during the Modern Age. Some of the families were of noble lineage and were linked to trade in the port, the collection of taxes or the administration of the tide mills.


Concello de Vimianzo
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