#EuSAVE #EuSAVE España #EuSAVE Portugal #EuSAVE Macedonia #EuSAVE Italia #EuSAVE Croacia #EuSAVE Bulgaria #EuSAVE Letonia

Specific objectives

  • To establish, develop and enhance functional and sustainable cooperation between different European rural local communities, for a better collaboration, participation and interaction towards new EU ruralities where the cultural heritage interacts with the social innovation.
  • To exchange good practices, experiences and knowledge and to create joint synergies that lead to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth of the European local communities, as sustainable and smart historical villages where citizens’ participation in the definition of local development strategies plays a crucial role.
  • To foster the EU citizenship and its participation in the European democratic life and towards the valuing of the cultural& historical life of their local communities and, of their common Europe.
  • To promote knowledge, awareness and identification of European rural communities with their history and culture by increasing and consolidating the social value of the shared cultural heritage while involving as many citizens as possible in the projects of historic villages’ revitalization.
  • To promote the European citizenship and to improve the conditions for the EU rural population participation, by encouraging citizens’ debate on the future of the European rural territories and active participation in the search for solutions that ensure the rural development sustainability.
  • To improve the mutual understanding and learning about EU multicultural diversity and to promote opportunities for social and cultural engagement.

Concello de Vimianzo
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