Day ERN4mob Excursion ERN4mob Proyect ERN4mob

6th International Encounter in Slovakia: Good Practices transfer for the ERN4mob

Participation: Encounter was attended by 17 international representatives on behalf of all project partners from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland and Northern Ireland, as well as 51 invited Slovakian guests from the local community. In total, 58 participants joined this event.

Location/ Dates: Encounter was organized by the project partner Zemplínske Hámre in Slovakia and was realized from 5th to 9th of July 2017.

Short description: Aim of the meeting was to discuss and present plans regarding the implementation and transfer of good practices into the local/regional realities of project partners. Project partners discussed possibilities of future cooperation and functioning of the network. Each of the partner stated their vision and possible points of cooperation for the future. Participants also attended a presentation by Asylum facility located in Humenné who described their functioning and activities for the asylum seekers.

Part of the agenda was also dedicated for putting together final conclusions for Pearl Tree as a dissemination platform. All of the project partners agreed on using this platform to share the results of the project and of the common work as a network. Platform will be published towards the end of project duration.

The program was realized in the premises of Zemplínske Hámre, but also in the city of Humenné. Both places provided a view into the rural life in Eastern Slovakia. Parts of the agenda were dedicated to getting to know regional historical and natural areas, as well as tasting traditional meals or learning traditional dances.

The next and last meeting will be in Vimianzo, Spain where the lead partner of the project will host a final congress where all the project results and findings will be presented towards the future.

Concello de Vimianzo
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