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Manuel Antelo Pazos. Graduated in Mathematics and teacher of secondary school, he is the mayor of Vimianzo since 2011, being reelected in 2015. In his student days was part of the student movements linked to the left wing of the Galician nationalism, and since then, he is an active member of organizations that share the same ideology, defending the Galician national identity, from a progressive, leftist and internationalist perspective. As a mayor of Vimianzo, he has led the implementation of programmes focused on social services, culture and the promotion of entrepreneurial endeavour. His term in office has also seen a notable reduction in the municipal debt. He is dedicated to achieving a political balance that will ensure improvements in the local economy, create jobs and effectively tackle both unemployment and the emigration of residents from Vimianzo.

Laura Oso Casas. Professor of Sociology at the University of Coruña, is coordinator of ESOMI, a research team of reference at national and international level, in the study of international migrations. PhD in Sociology from the University of Paris I –Panthéon-Sorbonne (2002), she has been a consultant for several international organizations (OECD, European Union, INSTRAW-UN), having conducted research stages in the United States, France and Latin America (University of California , Berkeley, University of Paris I –Panthéon-Sorbonne, Université de Paris VII, Flacso Ecuador, University of Buenos Aires). Her research work has been orientated mainly to the study of gender and migration issues and, in particular, immigrant women in the labour market (domestic service, sex work, ethnic entrepreneurship). Her research areas include the study of Spanish emigration in France (women employed at home and caretakers, second-generation), as well as the analysis of migrations from the perspective of inter-generational strategies and trajectories of social mobility. She also works on the connection among gender, migration and development. Her main publications include the co-edition of the book The International Handbook on Gender, Migration and Transnationalism. Global and Development Perspectives, published by Edward Elgaren 2013 and reprinted in 2015, as well as the monograph “Interrogating Intersectionalities, Gendering Mobilities, Racializing Transnationalisms”, published in the magazine Identities – Global Studies in Culture and Power. She has also published in other important magazines (Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies), having authored chapters of books for prestigious international publishers (Palgrave Mcmillan, Amsterdam University Press, Temple University Press, Routledge, Ashgate).

Montserrat Golías Pérez. Professor in the Department of Sociology and Political Science and Administration, and researcher in the Sociology Team for International Migration (ESOMI), University of A Coruña. She holds a PhD in Sociology (2014), a degree in Sociology (1999) and a Master’s Degree in International Migration: specialization in Migration Policies and Intercultural Mediation (2009), by the University of A Coruña. Her doctoral thesis, “The New Spaniards through the Historical Memory Act in Cuba and Argentina – Opportunity or identity?”, was coordinated by the professor of Sociology Antonio Izquierdo Escribano, and unanimously obtained the “outstanding cum laude” (2014). Her research areas include: international migrations, identity, citizenship, Historical Memory Act and religious pluralism. Her most recent publications inclue: Los herederos de la ciudadanía [Heirs of citizenship] (Icaria, 2016); the coordination of the work Mareas de pluralismo. Minorías religiosas en Galicia [Tides of Pluralism. Religious Minorities in Galicia] (Icaria, 2014), directed by Antonio Izquierdo, being author and co-author of several chapters; “Travail et migration latino-américaine en Espagne”, co-authored with M. Villares and R. Martínez-Buján in the book Mobilités au féminin. La place des femmes dans le nouvelétat du monde (edited by N. Ribas-Mateos and V. Manry, Karthala, 2014); “Argentina. La Ley de Nietos” [Argentina. The Grandchildren's Act] and “Cuba. Migraciones de ida y vuelta” [Cuba, Roundtrip Migrations] in the book La migración de la memoria histórica [The migration of historical memory] (edited by A. Izquierdo, Bellaterra, 2012). Currently she is participating in the research projects “Global Trends in Social Inequalities in Europe and Latin America Exploring Innovative Ways to Reduce Them through Research of Educational, Occupational, and Life Paths to Address Uncertainty”, funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme (European Commission, period: 2016-2019) and “Gender, Cross Mobility and Transnational Dynamics”, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (period 2016-2019).

Juan José Lirón Lago. Graduated in Economic Sciences from the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, his academic background includes postgraduate studies in European Economic Intergration, and a diploma in European Communities. Currently, he is the deputy of the Sub-directorate General of Employment, Department of Economy, Employment and Industry of the Regional Government of Galicia, and member of the Advisory Council of IGAPE (Galician Institute for Economic Promotion) since 1992. With 29 years of experience in planning, programming and managing European funds, he is the author of 25 articles, communications and presentations on planning and economic programming and regional policy; he has collaborated in 51 papers on this subject and participated as a speaker in 45 conferences and seminars on development and regional policy, and on services to companies. Additionally, he taught 54 courses on community structural funds, public aid, SME taxation, and cooperative and SME management and participated in 28 conferences and meetings on territorial cooperation in the EU and on cross-border cooperation in the Euro-region Galicia – Northern Portugal.

Carolina Fenoll Espinosa. Consultant specialized in community financing for the cultural and creative industries. She has a degree in Humanities from the Universidad San Pablo C.E.U. and has an International Master in Communication and Management of Cultural Policies at the Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta (Rome, 2000-2001) and a Master's Degree in Audiovisual Heritage – History, Recovery and Management at the Complutense University of Madrid (2013-2014). She is a member of the Spanish Association of Cultural Heritage Managers (AEGPC) and the Spanish Association of Film and Image Scientists (ASECIC). In the field of cultural management, she has worked in the communications and institutional relations offices of various public entities, such as the National Institute of Tourism (Turespaña), the Spanish Academy in Rome, the “Amigos del Museo del Prado” Foundation and the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid. On the other hand, she has developed her career as a consultant in the private sector working, among others, for LordCultura, a company of the group LORD Cultural Resources specialized in strategic planning and creation of cultural capital. Since 2012, she works as a technical consultant at the offices Creative Europe – Culture and Europe for Citizens Point, both housed in the Spanish Ministry of Culture. Under the mandate of the European Commission, these offices are responsible for disseminating the information and offer technical advice on the European programmes Creative Europe – Culture and Europe for Citizens.

Pilar Piñeiro. Technical officer in the European Affairs department of the Provincial Council of A Coruña. Graduated in Law and Journalism, she studied a Master’s Degree in European Union Studies and a Postgraduate in Development Aid. She has developed her professional career in the legal consultancy sector and since 2017 she is part of the team of Europe Direct A Coruña, official information centre of the European Commission affiliated to the Provincial Council of A Coruña, where she develops technical functions of advice and information on different aspects of the EU.

Laura González-Dopeso Portela. Deputy of the General Sub-directorate for External Relations and EU, she is an official of the Superior Corps of the Administration of the Regional Government of Galicia since 2009. Graduated in Law at the University of Santiago de Compostela (1998), she studied between 1998 and 1999 a Master’s Degree in European Union Studies at the University Institute of European Studies, University of A Coruña, and in 2000 studied Foreign Trade at ICEX. She has an extensive expertise in European projects, specifically preparation of applications, management and coordination of European projects for transnational cooperation in tourism financed by Programmes like Poctep, Cosme, Sudoe, Interreg Europe and Atlantic Area. She also participates in steering committees and in the organization of programmed activities, such as seminars, conferences, roundtables, training courses, publications and fam-trips.

Roberta Campagna. Graduated in Law from the Universitá degli Studi di Palermo, she studied a Master’s Degree in Law: EU Studies, at the University of A Coruña, as well as the Specialization Course on Social Responsibility and Innovation of the Inditex-Universit of A Coruña Chair. During the years 2015-2017 she has worked as a support technical officer dealing with projects in the Service for Territorial Development and Environment of the Provincial Council of A Coruña. Currently, she is a trainee in European public affairs at the Foundation Galicia-Europe.

Noelia Quitáns Pose. Technical officer on social affairs at the Spanish Red Cross in Vimianzo, she works with people in situations of vulnerability and social exclusion, valuation and follow-up of cases, coordination with external agencies, management of financial aid and food distribution, management of volunteering. She studied a Diploma in Social Education at the Faculty of Education Sciences, University of A Coruña (2008-2011).

María Vieites Calo. Graduated in Law from the University of Santiago de Compostela, she studied a Master’s Degree in Financial and Tax Administration. Currently, she works as a freelancer offering advice mainly to livestock farms; she is also the general secretary of the Association of Returned Migrants – Costa da Morte.

Isabel Muñoz Rodríguez. Director and legal advisor of the Information Center for Women, she works in the City Council of Muxía since 2002. She graduated in Law from the University of Santiago de Compostela, in 1995. She continued her studies in 2000 with a Master’s Degree in Family Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Santiago de Compostela, and a Master’s Degree in Work Safety during the years 2001-2002, obtaining the diploma of Technician Expert in Health and Safety (CIS, A Coruña). She extended her educational background by studying several training courses on the subject of equal opportunities.

Sandra García Sánchez de Bustamante. Graduated in Sociology from the University fo A Coruña, she specialized in the third sector through a Master in Dependency and Social Management and Services at the University of A Coruña (2005-2006). After completing an Intercultural Mediation course, she started to work in Ecos do Sur in social intervention promoting the socio-labour integration of the migrant people. In 2011 she decided to take a step towards other realities and after completing the postgraduate in International Development Aid and Management of Non-Governmental Organizations at the University Institute of European Studies, University of A Coruña, she worked at the Spanish Agency for Cooperation in Nicaragua in the field of NGOs coordination and in the gender area. After this experience, she returned to Galicia and since 2014 she has been coordinating the department of employment and training of Ecos do Sur. At the same time, she is participating in various projects on participation, development, social action and gender subjects.

Agnieszka Żurawska-Tatała. Head of the European Integration Office in the Town Council of Kostrzyn nad Odra (Poland). She has degrees in Economics from the University of Szczecin, European Studies from the University of Poznań and Management studies in Gorzów. Since 1999, she has been strongly involved in EU project development, especially investment projects. She is a great enthusiast of international cooperation and transnational projects: in 2004-2007, she coordinated the “Baltic Fort Route” project and in 2011-2014 she coordinated the “Forte Cultura” project. She is the author of many publications about structural funds; she is an expert of EU projects evaluation, and a member of the board of the international association “Forts2Market”.

Fernandino Lopes. Graduated in Sociology and employee of the Alter do Chão City Council since 2005, he has been working in the areas of education and social work. With a postgraduate degree in Public Administration and Regional Development, he considers that the issues of Local Development deserve his reflection and commitment. He is also particularly interested in the issues of associations, writing and photography.

Duarte Claudino. Graduated in Physical Education and Sport, he has been a member of the Alto Alentejo Intermunicipal Community team since 2009. There, he is responsible for organizing and coordinating sports projects, cross-border activities, under the Btt Alto Alentejo project, in the framework of the Euroace region promotion, coordination of procedures for the control of sports equipment and maintenance of synthetic lawns, in the associated municipalities. At the same time, he was responsible for preparing the CIMAA accreditation dossier as a training entity. Currently, he works in the management of European projects related to sports but also with education and social affairs.

Justyna McCabe. Programmes Manager in Newry, Mourne and Down District Council.
She has been working with Newry, Mourne and Down district Council for 10 years managing EU-funded projects to include Peace, Interreg, Europe for Citizens and Erasmus. She has been working with migrant communities in Northern Ireland, addressing issues of employment, integration and discrimination.

Artur Piotr Kmiecik. Ethnic Minority Support Officer in Newry, Mourne and Down Council District since 2009. He moved to Northern Ireland with his family in 2006. Initially, he worked as an NHS interpreter as well as a language assistant in primary schools helping children from migrant families learn English. In his spare time he edited Polish pages ‘Nasze Strony’ in Newry Democrat and Newry Reporter between 2007 and 2011. In Poland he did a postgraduate diploma in British Studies and later on in Social Psychology.

Vincenzo D’Alberti. municipal councilor of the Municipality of Petrosino. In 2003 he graduated in Environmental and Territory Engineering from the University of Palermo. He studied the Master in Industrial Ecology promoted by the Department of Energy and Environmental Research, developing his first professional stage in the Office of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Environment, in the field of environmental assessment of public policies and, in particular, on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). He holds a doctorate in energy from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Palermo and obtained a PhD in March 2009 with a thesis on energy policy and the use of residual biomass for energy purposes. He is the author of numerous scientific publications in the field of energy policies. Member and Vice-President (2009-2014) of the Technical Committee for the reduction of greenhouse gases of the Italian Ministry (CTE), he is responsible for the policies and measures on Community realigment for the achievement of the reduction targets of gases that alter the climate. He is part of the national delegations to the United Nations Conference on Climate Change. He has recently been appointed as an expert in the European Economic and Social Committee.

Rastislav Zaremba. Mayor of Zemplínske Hámre municipality, Upper Zemplín region, Slovakia. Graduate of Faculty of Law at P.J. Safarik University in Košice, he established in 2010 a youth organization, STEP – Society for Territorial Progress, aimed to support the personal development of local youngsters from the Upper Zemplin region. He is currently the president of the Local Action Group “Vihorlat”, which brings together local authorities, private entrepreneurs and the third sector in order to support and work on the regional development in their area.

Lucia Mariničová. Graduated from the Marketing Management Department. At present, she works as a project manager in the non-profit and public sector. She is a member of the executive board and a youth worker in the non-governmental organization STEP – Society for Territorial Progress, which operates in the Upper Zemplín region in Eastern Slovakia. Among other things, she has a certificate of Andragogy and specializes in the training of soft skills.

Concello de Vimianzo
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