Participation: It was attended by 18 international participants representing project partners from Spain, United Kingdom, Poland and Slovakia, and 45 participants from Portugal. In total, 63 participants attended this international encounter.
Location/ Dates: The 3rd International Encounter of the project ERN4mob took place in Alter do Chão (Portugal) from the 18th – 22th of September, 2016.
Short description: The encounter was officially opened by the Mayor Joviano Vitorino who on behalf of the Town Alter do Chão welcomed all the project participants. After the official opening, where were the 15 mayors of the 15 towns of Alto Alentejo – Alter do Chão, Arronches, Avis, Crato, Campo Maior, Castelo de Vide, Elvas, Fronteira, Gavião, Marvão, Monforte, Nisa, Ponte de Sor, Portalegre and Sousel, the project presentation event took place; during that event, the Mayor Joviano Vitorino invited the Mayor Manuel Antelo Pazos from Vimianzo (Spain), the project Leader Partner, to do a brief and informal presentation of the ERN4mob project.
The International Event no 3 "International Encounter on Job Mobility in Rural Europe. Needs and Challenges" dedicated to the role of public institutions in terms of mobility and the youth mobility took place during a local event in Alter do Chão – Portugal, which helped to spread the project information among the population. Each project partner with the representatives of target groups and stakeholders defined by the project partners before the event participated in the encounter.
Together with the project coordination meeting, a transnational roundtable took place, during which some of the main conclusions related to the online survey were presented (concretely, results in Spain, Poland and Northern Ireland). Moreover, several Panels of experiences were delivered by the Romanian emigrant community in Alter do Chão but also by a Portuguese immigrant in USA explained his life abroad. After that, a "World café" activity was developed with the collaboration of participants from the different target groups in order to collect information about the needs and challenges, EU support institutions and networks and solutions to decrease the challenges of mobility/ migration.